Ascend National Cohort

University of Washington Foster School of Business

Contacts: Michael Verchot, Mayte Manzo, Jasper Kinnay, and Martha Flores Perez

The application for the 2024-2025 Cohort is now closed. If you applied, we are reviewing it now and will send out responses shortly. If you are interested in receiving the application for next year, please fill out the interest form.


Our Approach

Businesses accepted to the Ascend National Cohort will enter with a defined opportunity/challenge that, when addressed, will lead to profitable growth. Over the 7-months of the cohort program, businesses access a fantastic set of resources that address the opportunity/challenge they have identified, including:

  • 60 - 80 hours of business coaching from a successful entrepreneur

  • 80 hours of assistance from an MBA student

  • Two consulting sessions from EY

  • Two accounting and financial management consulting sessions from RSM

  • Two capital access sessions with business and middle-market lenders from JPMorgan Chase

  • Six days of in-person instruction at the University of Washington

  • 33 hours of virtual instruction and small group work on operational excellence, B2B marketing, and organizational leadership

While most business development programs focus on just the business owner or CEO, the Ascend National Cohort is focused on building a strong executive leadership team. The CEO plus 2 C-Suite level colleagues from each company can attend in-person and virtual sessions.



The Impact


“The Ascend program has helped me and Johnson Security achieve significant breakthroughs, more specifically, winning new business with three opportunity partners. Our team is gaining momentum and confidence as we pursue larger contracts. We are hiring new team members as we expand our services to one notable global corporation by 250 percent.”

-Jessica Johnson-Cope, CEO and President of Jonhson Security Bureau

Ascend NYC & National Cohort Alum ‘23


Our Partners

If you represent a corporation, there are many ways to collaborate and to benefit from Ascend National!

Our current list includes-