Mental Health Among Business Founders and How You Can Help
It is time we start talking about the mental health needs of business founders. One in three business founders will have depression, and rates of stress, bipolar disorder, and addictions are higher among entrepreneurs than in the general population in America. As an organization supporting entrepreneurs, are there ways you can help support their mental health? (Besides referring them to professional therapy once you see the signs.) Research has shown that entrepreneurs who feel trapped may be at higher risk for suicide. This workshop will broaden your awareness of the warning signs that a mental health crisis may be developing for the business owners you are supporting. We will also cover strategies you can implement to prevent a crisis. Dr. Monica Blied will demonstrate hands-on activities you can use for yourself and teach the business owners you work with. The goal is to lower stress and effectively manage anxiety. You will also learn about the mind-body health connection and practice the latest neuroscience research-based skills. This workshop aims to provide tools to help your business owners re-prioritize their whole health (including their mental health) as they invest in the success of their business.